Characterization of the multiple intelligences of logic and programming students and the relevance of pair programming

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Duvan Serna
Edinson Fuentes
Robinson-Julian Serna


Multiple Intelligences, Logic, Programming, Pair Programming


The theory of multiple intelligences (IM) is an important and innovative field within the psychology of education because, among other things, it provides a solid basis to plan the teaching-learning process. For this, it is important to previously characterize the students according to their predominant IM. The present investigation characterizes the IM of students of technological programs of the Fundación Universitaria de San Gil, whose common basic nucleus is in Systems Engineering, Telematics, and Related. A non-experimental, descriptive, and cross-sectional study was carried out with a suitable sample of 25 students out of a total of 244, to whom a Likert scale test was applied to evaluate the multiple intelligences proposed by Howard Gardner (2001). The results show that the predominant IM in the students are logical mathematical, spatial-visual, and musical. In addition, in the context of the Logic and Programming subject, it is established that the Pair Programming methodology could potentiate the less prevalent multiple intelligences while taking advantage of the skills provided by the IM that predominate in these students.

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