Applications in the development of research competences. A model

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Mawency Vergel-Ortega
Luisa Stella Paz Montes
Carlos Sebastián Gómez-Vergel


Digital writing center, middle education, academic writing


The objective of the research was to evaluate the implementation strategies of web applications in undergraduate academic programs of administration and engineering faculties. The research follows an explanatory level study, correlational design; the sample is constituted by 500 students from educational institutions in the city of Cúcuta. Results show that academic program, gender, origin, stratum, automation were not variables associated to the predictor model, the resources and virtual services designed and implemented contributed to the promotion of application practices associated to the generation of algorithms and competences in logical processes in the solution of problems, metalinguistic processes, creativity has a high association with research. It is concluded that the development of research competencies is related to predictor variables of the student’s profile in their previous training in secondary education, development of logical thinking, methodology and research topics incorporated in each module of the curricular program, as well as the orientation to the development of algorithms.

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