Investigations with CFD applied to centrifugal pumps

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Jhan Piero Rojas Suarez
Mawency Vergel Ortega
Sofía Orjuela Abril


Centrifugal pump, CFD, performance, turbulence model, optimization


In the present study a survey of CFD investigations applied to centrifugal pumps is carried out. The study covers the turbulence models generally used for the study of centrifugal pumps, the procedure normally used for the analysis of the optimization process and the advanced methodologies to identify the geometric parameters that affect the performance. From the documentary analysis it is shown that advances in CFD models and the availability of software have made possible the development of complex studies focused on centrifugal pumps. Turbulence models allow predicting the unsteady flow behavior in centrifugal pumps. Among the different models available, the k -e model stands out due to its prediction capability without requiring high computational power. The optimization process of a centrifugal pump involves geometrical changes involving variations in the vane, diffuser, impeller and pump diameters. The general procedure for optimization analysis applied to centrifugal pumps can be a basis for the construction of a faster and more systematic methodology.

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