Racism and kantian racialism and the education

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Nevis Balanta Castilla


Education, Racism, Racialism


This text is part of a set of writings resulting from the state of the art around doctoral research: the colors of Colombian higher education: racism and interculturality that I am studying at the Santo Tomás University in Bogotá, Colombia. The purpose of this one in particular is to reflect on aspects of Kantian thought about racialism and prevailing racism in modern education. As a central thesis we maintain that the influence of the Kantian approach in education and in the construction of Racism as a prevailing ideology in modernity and its relationship with racialism is important. The question that arises then is: In what way did Kant's approaches influence racialization and / or racism as an ideology in modern education? To defend the thesis, we will first present some postulates of Kant on education. Then we will expose the features of racialism and racism in Kant and finally we will address the phenomenon of racism in education and Colombian society.

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