Meta-cognitive strategies and levels of visual autonomy promoted by a mathematics educator in training. description and exemplification of the application of a methodological instrument.
Main Article Content
Methodological instrument, Teacher training, Visualization, Planning, Autonomy.
Visualization is susceptible to development. Planning is a meta-cognitive sub-process of a regulative nature that favors the development of this cognitive activity. This article presents a methodological instrument. This allows to characterize, on the one hand, how the educators in training provoke the planning of the visual actions relevant to the resolution of metric tasks, and, on the other hand, detect the effect that the decisions adopted produce on the autonomy of the students. The analysis instrument was designed in a mixed way (inductive and deductive) and considered the ways of proceeding of 18 mathematics educators in training within the framework of their professional practice experience. It is made up of three categories of analysis: meta cognitive visual planning operations, meta cognitive strategies for visual control, and levels of visual autonomy. As an example, the article characterizes how an educator in training implemented one of the planning strategies considered by him. As a conclusion, it was evidenced that the instrument is a powerful tool to identify both the types of planning strategies contemplated and the difficulties encountered by educators when trying to include them in educational practice.
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