Teaching of the bisection method in the secondary school with Geogebra as a didactic media

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Jesús David Berrio Valbuena https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4014-5322
Sthefanie Loraine Cantillo Ortiz https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0015-972X
Óscar Wilson Calderón Barrera https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0964-6591


Bisection methods, Geogebra, Didactic situations, Non-linear equations, Didactic engineering.


This research aims to study the development of strategies of eleventh grade students to solve problems that involve the calculation of numerical solutions of non-linear equations. The design and execution of a Didactic Engineering of which 3 phases are implemented is proposed: The first phase corresponds to the Preliminary Analysis, consisting of an epistemological analysis of the mathematical object of study and the analysis of traditional teaching and its effects; In the second phase, called A priori analysis, a refined hypothetical survey is made of the strategies that may arise during the application of the didactic situations; to the application of didactic situations in the classroom and the audiovisual record; and in the last phase, that of a posteriori analysis and evaluation, local analyzes will be practiced, with the problem-solving strategies of each student and a global analysis to establish generalities between the strategies evidenced. The real impact of the didactic intervention in this research is measured in terms of the construction of the bisection method to calculate approximate solutions of non-linear equations. The results show that it was possible to identify and analyze some of the strategies or techniques used by the students, which were evidenced in the performance of the activities in both student A (EA) and student B (EB), all of which contribute in the formation of the concept of the bisection method.

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