Subjectivity and intersubjectivity: two vectors in evaluation as an anthropological phenomenon

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Jorge H. Betancourt Cadavid
Johann Enrique Perez


Phenomenological anthropology, subjectivity, intersubjectivity, evaluation


This article assumes subjectivity and intersubjectivity as phenomenological notions proper to evaluation, and necessary to interpret human life inherent to it. It does so from these two vectors, based on a search for elements that, from phenomenological anthropology, consolidate within the field of pedagogy a philosophical reflection on the constitution of the subject and the others in their environment in the evaluation, describing the correlation between the operations or activities that constitute the world and what has been done in them. It is about the allusion to an “I” that receives its meaning from the effects of consciousness, but that is not an I alone in the world, like an incommunicable monad, but in the presence and interaction with another or others with whom it shares a world, as a condition of possibility that an Ego can interact with the Other to specify its humanity. This search is described around four sections that constitute the body of the article and each one argues the premise that evaluation is a human experience, therefore, an anthropological phenomenon that goes beyond the reiterative and established description of evaluation as a device.

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