Teaching and learning under the ministry of education policies in Colombia: voices from the classroom

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Margarita M. López Pinzón
Mauricio Arango Vélez


Basic Learning Rights (BLR), EFL teaching, EFL learning, mixed methods, Suggested English Curriculum (SEC)


Policies concerning the teaching and learning of EFL in Colombia are an area of interest in the field of education in recent years. This article presents the results of a mixed methods study conducted in five Colombian regions to describe the views of teachers, students, and administrators about EFL teaching and learning in public schools under the Suggested English Curriculum (SEC) and Basic Learning Rights (BLR). Participants included 1526 students from 10th and 11th grades, 61 English language teachers, and 22 coordinators from 26 schools. This was a mixed methods study, in which both quantitative and qualitative data was collected and analyzed from questionnaires and semi- structured interviews. The results suggest that focalized schools made a considerable effort to adapt their curricular designs to the SEC and BLR guidelines. Participants’ perceptions about the SEC and BLR implementation were positive and focused on the proper use of the methodological approaches, materials and resources, curricular themes, and assessment procedures in their EFL classes. However, they claimed that continuity of bilingualism programs is required to achieve the proposed goals. We conclude that to keep strengthening the ELF teaching-learning process in the country, schools need constant support from educational authorities at all levels. Teachers are encouraged to provide students with lessons that follow the SEC and BLR guidelines and consider their linguistic level, needs, interests and contexts at the same time.

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