Reflections about an ELE program: from the students’ perspective

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Numas Armando Gil Olivera
Dayson David Ahumada Ebratt


Foreign language, Education, Pedagogy, Learning


The purpose of this reflection article is to describe the perspectives of the students of an ELE program called Didactics of the Teaching of Spanish as a Foreign Language belonging to the Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Languages at the Universidad del Atlántico, Barranquilla, Colombia. Special emphasis was placed on the scope of the learning objectives of the course.  In   this   sense,   this   documentary   research, descriptive of qualitative type, focused on the review of the results of a survey carried out in the semester 2020-3 and 2021-1 applied to the students of two courses that focused on the achievement of the learning objectives of the students. For this purpose, it based the results on the different theoretical contributions of entities such as the Common European Framework, among others. And among its results, it reported that the vast majority of students did achieve the learning objectives because they showed a broad management of aspects such as the methods and approaches promoted in the subject. This type of results, although not absolutely generalizable, are an excellent starting point for those ELE teachers who want to dabble and go deeper into these topics.

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