Approach and closure of the teaching and learning processes with children with cognitive disabilities in the common second grade classroom

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Laura Nataly Galvis Velandia
Maritza Carolina Jaimes Márquez
Milton Alier Montero Ferreira


teaching processes, attitudinal learning, cognitive disability, social environments, interaction, social skills, integral development, psychosocial factors.


Boys and girls can present different forms in the development of their learning, not all learn at the same rate, this is related to the environment in which they are, therefore, we speak of cognitive disability when this boy or girl reveals limitations in their intellectual capacities, the form of interaction and adaptation to their different social environments. This cognitive disability makes it difficult to learn social skills and the respective competencies for optimal integral development as a human being.

This article discloses the results of the research carried out on the second grade students of the Toledo Plata school in the municipality of Cúcuta, Norte de Santander department; The study objective that frames this research is to Generate theoretical-procedural foundations for the attention of attitudinal learning around

the teaching and learning processes of children with cognitive disabilities in the second grade at the Toledo Plata school in the city of San José de Cúcuta; from the characterization in the approach and closure of the teaching and learning processes with this population in special conditions.


In this research, a field methodology was implemented, which is based on the collection of permanent data obtained from reality and on the interaction with the object of study, a systemic approach and a mixed epistemological paradigm which is composed of the quantitative method that allows a verifiable and factual study and the qualitative study that allows an analysis of the social phenomena of the object of study, the findings of this study show in its results that: once the methodology was applied in the triangulation of the information, the findings were determined in which it is identified that the second grade students of the Toledo Plata school, according to their learning capacities, require a differentiating, but integrating attention in the pedagogical teaching processes.

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