Bicentennial schools project in Chile. A case study in the Maule region

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Pablo Castillo Armijo
Isabel Rodríguez Pincheira


Bicentennial high schools project, Secondary education, Educational improvement


Bicentennial Schools are a group of educational establishments that surge as a project in 2011 whose objective was to provide answers to the ailing secondary education in the country that follows the model of emblematic schools which selected honour students to get academic achievements. However, that same year, the protest movement of undergraduate university students of would start to form a new educational, politic and social scene that would insistently demand change in the system. Pushing forward a new free of charge, secular and public education. From a case study, we will present this transformational phenomenon of a bicentennial school in the Maule Region in Chile that has been heading towards a different direction to the original selection project. This school has accomplished good educational outcomes by adhering to educational inclusion and equity, along with educational leadership, excellency, commitment and identity towards a common goal and a good learning environment.

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