Modeling patterns in Scratch: A strategy to support variational thinking

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Kely Johanna Doncel González
Ariel Adolfo Rodríguez Hernández
David Santiago Melo Niño


Variational thinking, Scratch, Modeling, Patterns, Computational thinking


Variational thinking in primary basic education focuses on the study of patterns and variation, conceptual elements that are the basis for understanding algebra and calculus in higher grades. That is why it is essential that the basic education teacher fosters an enriched environment that allows the visualization, manipulation, and establishment of various assumptions about patterns and variation. In this sense, being the Scratch program a visual environment that allows the modeling of patterns and variables from the coding in blocks, this research developed during eight weeks, a sequence of pattern modeling activities, using the Scratch platform for the fifth grade of primary basic education. The objective was to provide evidence that allows us to understand how the use of technological resources linked to computational thinking can expand the objectification (awareness) of patterns. The methodology for the analysis of the strategy was mixed, taking quantitative data from the pre and post-test of pattern analysis, for a group of fifthgrade students (n = 40) and supporting them from a multimodal analysis of video records that show semiotics linked to variational reasoning. The quantitative results showed a difference in means between pre and post-tests, which are related to the improvement in the approach of simplified and efficient algorithms when the students objectified the patterns. These data suggest that the development of computational thinking activities linked to coding, from pattern recognition, can improve variational reasoning in elementary school students.

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