The evaluation of teamwork outside the classroom: Case study of teaching experiences on the research axis
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Assessment, Teamwork, Teaching experiences, Qualitative research, Case study
This study focuses on teachers’ experiences on assessing out-of-class teamwork. These teachers teach courses of component of the research of the B. Ed English Language Teaching Programs at eight public universities in Mexico. The aim was to explore how teachers assessed and reflected on the modes of assessment and strategies they used to assign a grade to out-ofclass teamwork. In addition, whether they were satisfied with the outcomes they obtained or how they solved the challenges they faced. This work is framed within the qualitative paradigm because it allows us to account for experiences, emotions and situations narrated by teachers and allows us to interpret and explain their experiences (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2011). For data collection, a semi-structure interview was designed and implemented in 8 educational contexts of the following public universities: UJED, UNISON, UGTO, UNACH, BUAP, UAQro, UDG, UATlax. The research method was through a case study because the experiences that teachers live with respect to how to ensure fairness and positive washback when grading each team member, it could be reflected in other educational contexts where challenges are also faced when assessing the process and product of out-of-class teamwork.
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