Key factors in the adoption of Blended Learning

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Raúl José Martelo Gómez
David Antonio Franco Borré
Natividad Villabona Gómez


Self-learning, ICTs, Blended learning, E-learning, Education


In this study, factors influencing the adoption of Blended Learning were analyzed and classified. Methodologically, the study was classified as mixed; with a descriptive, non-experimental, and cross-sectional design. For data collection and analysis, a systematic review of studies was carried out about the factors that influence the adoption of BL, then the MICMAC technique was applied, for which the help of experts was used who, by way of collective reflection, allowed to show the relations between factors for structural analysis. The results of applying the technique located four factors that were classified directly as key and one as a result. The indirect classification evidenced a slight displacement of the factors in the plane, regarding the direct classification. In some cases, this displacement is important, because factors classified in one category are classified in a new one and this result is evidenced only by the indirect relationships that this technique allows to find.

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