About diversity. Recognizing the characteristics of learning styles

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Doris Elena Salazar Hernández
Arturo de Jesús Madrigal Gil
Adriana Patricia Salazar Hurtado


Learn, Learning styles, Teaching styles, Learning cycle


This article presents partial results of the formative research in Learning Management, which has been carried out by three teachers belonging to the Bachelor’s program in Physical Education, Recreation and Sports of the Politecnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, since 2021. It takes partial data obtained through the CAMEA40 (Madrigal, 2016) and through an interview with 31 high school students that inquires about the characteristics related to their learning styles. This characterization invites to accept the individual preferences of the students and to strengthen those in which they have shortcomings to close the learning cycle. For this research, we work under a mixed approach, where it is intended to appropriate the benefts ofered by the qualitative approach in understanding the educational phenomenon in its context and the benefts of the quantitative approach that allows objectifying results and processes to analyze and interpret them in compliance with the posed. It was concluded that the student’s learning style is largely conditioned by the teacher’s teaching style. It is necessary for the teacher to refect on his work and his commitment to the design of learning environments and the proposal of diferent activities that guarantee respect for the various ways of learning. In addition, from the theoretical review carried out, the feld work, the analysis of the information and the proposal that we present with recommendations for teachers to favor each of the four learning styles, we agree with Alonso, Gallego and Honey (2012), that as in the investigative process, learning is a cyclical process that goes through four phases -active, refective, theoretical, pragmatic- where all are necessary to be able to propose a consolidation of the process of learning.

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