Analysis of the perception and uses of music in times of Covid-19

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Angélica Frascica


Confnement, Music, Perception, Virtuality, Uses


Music represents a manifestation of essential art to generate satisfaction in human beings. In many situations, music is emerging as the ideal activity to calm emotions and to keep the brain stimulated in a positive way. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown, music also played its important role in people’s lives. This began to be evidenced through the transformation of the uses and perception of music before and during confnement, being able to notice that virtuality played a key role in connecting people and learning new musical skills. In the development of the article, it will be possible to analyze how musical activities benefted people during this period, getting to know how interaction through music at a distance was one of the responses to the ‘new normality’ of the pandemic. Therefore, the article hypothesizes the following: Music was adapted to virtuality during confnement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, changing the perception and uses that people had conferred on it before the imposition of restrictions and measures to avoid infections. In order to corroborate the hypothesis that arises, a documentary-type investigation with a qualitative approach was established as a methodology, resorting to several studies related to the proposed topic. And as a result, it was possible to know that music efectively managed to adapt to virtuality during the confnement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so there was a change in both the perception and the uses that people had conferred on it before the imposition. of the restrictions and measures to avoid contagion, in addition, it was possible to know that the uses and perceptions of music from virtuality have been diverse according to the person and/or groups and the means that had access to it.

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