Undergraduates and digital appropriation: Centennials in social sciences

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Joaquín Reyes Lara


Higher education, Digital appropriation, Learning process, Educational technology


Digital skills are an unavoidable necessity in any area of daily life. Higher education provides a preliminary stepping stone for students to situate themselves in this contextual reality. Such a reality changes very quickly and over short periods of time and therefore, the appropriation of ICTs is a transcendental process to determine the degree of development through which undergraduates will be able to carry out activities throughout their academic career. The methodology developed for this research is based on the quantitative paradigm, and the analysis was carried out using descriptive and parametric statistical tools which helped to determine the degree of appropriation of ICTs in the activities performed by the undergraduates as well as identifying if there are diferences in the degree of ICT appropriation according to undergraduates’ gender and undergraduate program. Findings from the investigation revealed that undergraduate students perceive themselves as intensive users of ICTs in carrying out their activities at the university as well as at home.

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