Doctoral training in educational sciences: A theoretical and methodological perspective at the University of Matanzas
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Scientifc degree, Doctoral training, Education
The continuous process of society and, in particular, of education entails theoretical and methodological challenges at the level of doctoral training in an area of complexities due to the great challenges imposed on education in general, for which the program is contextualized. As a way of organizing this activity. The articulation of the research training and the theoreticalmethodological and the preparation for the writing of the doctoral thesis and its defense, occurs in a process of interaction between the scientifc community and the doctoral students for the construction of new knowledge around the object of study. The University of Matanzas, repository of a long history at the service of doctoral training in Educational Sciences in the country, has been developing uninterrupted doctoral training for more than two decades and the continuous exercise of incorporating the knowledge and experiences of the most prestigious researchers from their provincial institutions, as well as from others in the country. This article tries to present the good practices achieved and the challenges to be resolved.
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