Relationships between institutional and family agents in rural schools and their impact on the social field, in complex classroom scenarios.
Main Article Content
Institutional agents, School/s in rural areas, Family, Social Field
The school(s) located in rural areas are bearers of history. They were and are being defned in the face of the loss of the traditional identity of the territory and invite us to integrate the structural view [system of relations], with a historical and process view. In the frst place, it is afected by changes, social and cultural transformations of industrialization and modernity; subsequently, to the phenomena derived from post-industrial and post-modern society: the irruption of communication technologies, globalized markets, diverse migrations from the countryside to the city, natural and anthropological phenomena, the crisis of urban life models, the pandemic situation caused by COVID-19 and others such as: the coexistence and/or controversy of diverse cultures with diferent ethical codes, social and cultural practices in relation to territorial contexts.
The foregoing leads from a qualitative methodological approach to explore, analyze and interpret the relationship(s) between students-teachers-driving team-family groups and how these interactions impact the classroom situation(s) and learning in the social feld of the various scenarios, under the infuence of factors such as: the multiplication of family confgurations, socio-cultural, geographic and occupational elements, instability and the lack of some resources: economic, afective, cultural, educational, technological , contextual.
Within this framework, what happens at school in the classroom scenario, what happens within the family, what the school system produces, has an impact on the trajectory/s of the individuals. On the other hand, family groups, related to school trajectories and the dynamics of schooling (as a defcit or as a contribution to the teaching and learning process), in the social structure, leads to inquire, not only with theoretical relevance but also with Empirical relevance to interpret the social action that operates in the school environment of district 079 of the ffteenth region of the west of the province of Buenos Aires and, therefore, its repercussion on the situation(s) that have occurred in the complex scenarios that it has had. the classroom in the last fve years.
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