The cultural heritage transmitted through folk literature. Ideas derived from a classroom proposal

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Marcelo Bianchi Bustos


Folk Literature, Initial Education, Teaching Staff, Children's Literature


This article will present some reflections related to the incorporation of storytelling, myths and legends, and poetry recitation of folkloric origin as a personal proposal within the curriculum space "Literature for the Initial Level", subject of Education Teaching Staff Initial.

It was decided to work with this type of texts and with this dynamic because of the importance of storytelling as a very useful strategy at the initial level that can allow students to appropriate a fundamental work resource and at the same time to collaborate in their work. teacher training so that, through the incorporation of diverse texts of oral tradition of Latin American origin, they can enter the diverse cultures that today coexist in many of the gardens of Buenos Aires as a product of immigration. To the narration was added the recitation and the reading of poems of folkloric origin as a way to make the classroom proposal richer.

Each of the texts to be narrated / recited are seen as opportunities for the integration of cultures for all their symbolic richness and the contribution of vocabulary and other issues such as customs, toponymy, characters, etc.

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Valdés Cabot, Miriam de la Caridad, Rodriguez Mondeja, Máxima y Ravelo Pastrana, Johana (2014) La apreciación y producción literaria en la edad preescolar, La Habana, Editorial Pueblo y Educación.

Vidal de Battini, Berta Elena (1960) Cuentos y leyendas populares. Selección para niños, Buenos Aiires: Concejo Nacional de Educación.