Peraj adopts a friend: application of an international model

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Elsa de Jesús Hernández Fuentes
Elsa del Carmen Villegas Morán


International models of intervention, social vulnerability, social marginalization


Within this work, the application of International Models in regional contexts is presented, making a reflection of the experience of the Peraj-adopt a friend-UABC case. This case involves a special challenge because it focuses on the attention to a vulnerable group with the following characteristics: children of both genders between 9 and 13 years old, who attend the fourth to sixth grade of elementary school in the afternoon shift, susceptible to social marginalization. The latter is understood as:

The set of social problems (disadvantages) of a community or locality and refers to groups of people and families. This vision differs from that which privileges the shortcomings of the individuals that live in the periphery of cities, according to the concept of marginality. In this sense, the object of study of marginalization is much more inclusive and allows to study and compare different strata of society (CONAPO, 2010, p.11).

The National Center for Disaster Prevention (CENAPRED) (2004: 340) considers as social vulnerability the "set of social and economic characteristics of the population that limits the development capacity of society; together with the capacity of prevention and response of the same in front of a phenomenon and the local perception of the risk of the same population ". For this reason it can be said that the environment has an impact on the community, and depends both on the noxious elements and on the capacity of the community, its institutions, its programs and groups to face and overcome the problem of early school dropout, considering that the dropout rate in state primary education in Baja California presented its highest level in the 2009-2010 cycle with 1.8, however, from the 2012-2013 cycle an increase has been reached reaching 1.1 (State Education System, 2015, p 62).

This paper derives from a case study carried out in the Peraj Program-adopts a friend within the Faculty of Human Sciences (FCH) of the Autonomous University of Baja California (UABC). From this, an evaluation was made on the first six cycles of the application of the international PERACH model, attached to the methodology of Research, participatory action.

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Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres CENAPRED (2004). Guía Básica para la elaboración de Atlas Estatales y Municipales de peligros y Riesgos. México. Centro Nacional de Prevención de Desastres.

Consejo Nacional de Población CONAPO (2010). Índice de marginación por localidad 2010. México. Autor.

Peraj México (2016). En Sistema Educativo Estatal SEE (2015). Principales Cifras Estadísticas ciclo escolar 2013-2014. México. Autor