Central sectors of historical character: scenarios for heritage learning

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Florinda Sánchez Moreno
Mario Perilla Perilla


Heritage, identity, memory, place


The book chapter is presented corresponding to a proposal to value and integrate the urban centers of heritage as scenarios for learning the value of memory and tradition in the search for appropriation of the sense of belonging and identity of the community.In this sense, the concepts of cultural heritage and its relationship with the memory of the people constitute the basis for the idea of urban scenarios as containers of knowledge and as a living teaching resource present in places. This conception is related to contemporary tendencies on the idea of living museum, where the spatial and cultural daily life is linked to the formal and alternative learning processes of the citizens. This conception enriches the traditional dogmatic posture of the museum as a punctual, closed place and where diverse objects are exhibited with symbolic or historical loads. Likewise, it is related to the work of developing the dissemination along with the conservation and research of the past, the classic essence of the museum.In this way, the central sectors of the cities are linked as active centers of memory and the city itself, in that sense, is constituted in a great museum, because there the material evidences concur with buildings, architectural records or footprints Physical and samples of the intangible heritage that represents the urban memory and allow to generate routes for the approach, the experience and the learning.This is how we propose a didactic of the heritage to approach the knowledge of aspects such as history, memory, tradition or identity in the hand of the daily realities of places. 

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