STEM+Ancestrality: Towards the increase of scientific and technological culture, in ethnic vallecaucan female populations

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Gladys Zamudio Tobar
Luz Karime Giraldo García


Ethnic education, STEM, Ancestry, Equality, Equity, Quality


Afro-descendant, indigenous and other ethnic female populations in Colombia and Latin America have been relegated from participation in CTeI, Science, Technology and Innovation processes. However, in recent years there has been an increase in projects and programs that ensure the reduction of inequalities, gender equity and quality education, as proposed by the sustainable development goals of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). This article presents the mapping of the characteristics, conditions and pedagogical strategies implemented, taking into account the STEM + Ancestrality methodology, which contributes to increasing the scientific culture in Afro and indigenous girls and adolescents of Valle del Cauca, which is a result of the project “Development of a strategy that strengthens culture in Science, Technology and Innovation in adolescent girls and women of African descent, indigenous and ethnic communities of Valle del Cauca”, with resources from the National System of Royalties, presented by the territorial entity of the Government of the Valle del Cauca and with cooperating institutions such as INFIVALLE, Universidad del Valle, Universidad Santiago de Cali and CUDES. The project arises from the need to increase activities to promote science, technology and innovation in girls and women of African descent, indigenous and ethnic communities in the department of Valle del Cauca. For this, the STEM + Ancestrality methodology is implemented, in the training of 360 Afro and indigenous girls and adolescents, from six (6) subregions of the Department, in a pedagogical exercise with IEP and IAP methodology, where ancestral knowledge and the traditional knowledge with customary scientists. To this end, teachers, girls and adolescents were trained in the design of research projects based on the needs of their contexts. Most of the resulting projects have a social ethnographic cut, attending to the need to preserve both the territories and cultural practices, without losing sight of scientific knowledge. That is, science at the service of culture.

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