Teacher´s perspective on school risk factors in secondary education centers in the region of Albacete
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Secondary education, School failure, School risk, Teacher relationships, School organization, Currículum
It is presented the results of a descriptive -interpretative research about risks factors of school relationships in Secondary Education centers in the region of Albacete. It is analyzed the perspective of teachers about school relationships from the theory of professional learning communities and it is analyzed the teaching programs of school departments with the category of classification from Bernstein. It is observed a vertical organization, where decisions about important elements of the center are taken by the Head of the school, the Head of the department and the teaching staff, in this order, observing a lack of participation from students and families. Teachers do not collaborate between departments resulting in a fragmented curriculum. There are no notable differences between schools from different socio-economic and cultural background, between teachers from ordinary groups and for the improvement of the performance. Less experienced teachers have a more favorable perception of teachers’ relationships.
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