Modeling an internet of things architecture to manage atmospheric carbon emissions in cities

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Mauricio Orlando Bermúdez Amaya


Internet of Things IoT, Machine to Machine M2M, Ontology, oneM2M, SAREF4ENER, SAREF, OM, Atmospheric carbon CO2


Climate change caused by global warming and in turn produced by the excess of greenhouse gases GHG emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere by anthropogenic action –specifically carbon dioxide CO2– must be kept under control due to the disastrous consequences for the conservation of life on the planet. Within the wide range of alternatives, there is the option of optimizing electricity consumption by electronic devices for daily use through the Internet of Things IoT, given that the energy to be used has already been generated in the respective power plants and generally by burning fossil fuels. This research concerns an initiative to model a flexible functional IoT architecture, leading to the mitigation and regulation of carbon gas emissions mainly in cities –since this is where most use is made of Machine to Machine M2M technology devices–, supported by syntactic and semantic interoperability through the integration of relevant, robust and recognized ontologies –such as the oneM2M project for the standardization of M2M/IoT communications, the SAREF smart device reference and for the energy domain SAREF4ENER, together with the OM measurement units–, in a single coherent and viable corpus whose mapping and simulation is ad hoc to the universe of electric energy discourse.

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