Design of a methodology for m-learningEnglish language.

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Lorena Isabel Rodríguez Núñez
Geovanny Estuardo Vallejo Vallejo
Fernando Proaño Brito
Hugo Hernán Romero Rojas
Lorena del Pilar Solís Viteri
José Luis Erazo Parra


M-learning, English, smartphone, mobile learning methodology


The technology has revolutionized in every sense of the life of the human being and the education sector has not been the exception. This work suggests the design of a methodology for m -learning English language through specific mobile devices, cell phones as tools that are available to students, and allow the use of different and varied resources through the Internet. The objective is to design m -learning methodology through several activities that can be performed from the cell phone with Internet access and monitoring the activities from a virtual classroom which is designed in base of the proposed methodology. It was held at Unidad Educativa “Nuestra Señora de Fátima” from Riobamba city, in English class with 40 students, about 16 and 17 years old, to graduate in the General Unified Bachelor.

Abstract 2746 | PDF (Spanish) Downloads 1872


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