4ª Age and physical activity: new challenges

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Ramón Fabián Alonso López


Fourth Age, Physical exercise, Aging


The present work is a bibliographical review on the subject. It was difficult, due to the lack of research developed with this group. And even more specifically in relation to physical exercise. Each day, the people of this age group have greater strength and representativeness in society. Normally, the bibliography speaks of the Third Age as a whole, in this way; the Fourth Age has been in or within the latter, which affects information, since people over 80 years; possess their own bio-psycho-social characteristics giving it its personality. It is undeniable that in thFourth Age the declines begin in the Third Age; and it is precisely this factor that justifies the need to develop a multidisciplinary and specific work with this group of people. Regarding physical exercise, it has the responsibility to improve the quality of life through a relative recovery; that is, as far as possible, those physical abilities that have to do with the activities of this age group.

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