To have a shower in Physical Education, activity to improve body schema and self-esteem in girls

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Joseba Koldo Etxeberria Zapirain


To have a shower, Physical Education, self-esteem, body schema, body shyness, anorexia


The fashion industry promotes as ideal of feminine beauty, female body models to which most of the girls and women do not fit. This results in many girls and women, physical complex, poor body schema and body shyness that, ultimately, induce low self-esteem in them, and facilitates the appearance of eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia. In contrast, in our secondary educational institution, we tested that the shower activity, typical of Physical Education classes, affects the contrary, i.e., improves body image and self-esteem of girls. Show the other girls naked body, of which there is everything in terms of physical attractiveness, and be respected and accepted as one is, it helps them to accept their bodies better. Consequently, this school activity could serve as a social prevention against eating disorders. This article presents the scientific study of such verification

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