Critical review of the texts "teach to think" and "the curriculum from the pedagogy comprehensive constructive"

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Claudia Milena Satizábal Muñoz


teach to think, curriculum, pedagogy comprehensive constructive


The purpose of this review is to highlight and relate the ideas of Julio César Arboleda in the interview conducted in the newspaper "The universe" and the article "The curriculum from the comprehensive pedagogy building", along with the approach of my perception against the constructions and the significance of these in the experience of the teaching - learning process within an integral formation of children and young people.

The author considers that the varied and multiple information to which students nowadays access, generates in educational institutions and especially in teachers new challenges such as teaching to think.

This implies that the teacher is trained in pedagogical and didactic strategies that lead the student to build thinking and not remain in easy methods such as copying and pasting. The author suggests the work with cognitive rapporteurships, the macro reports of research, critical reviews, cognitive maps, among others. In such a way that the student develops thinking skills. However, the author is very clear in insisting that the type of thought to be developed must be focused on proceeding correctly for life, where it appropriates the knowledge to put it into action in different contexts.

Likewise, the author recognizes that educating by competences is important but it is even more so in a culture of solidarity, equity, equality and justice

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Arboleda, Julio Cesar (2015). El currículo desde la pedagogía comprensivo edificadora. Revista Boletín Virtual Redipe No.4-1, 1-29.

Arboleda, Julio Cesar (2015). Op cit, pág 50.

Arboleda, J. C. (2007). Hacia una pedagogía por proyectos de vida. Red Iberoamericana de Pedagogía , 2-13.