Critical review of the articles: "training for life: from competences to building understanding" and from passive learning to comprehensive learning"

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Martin Jaramillo Pino


training for life, competences, comprehensive learning


Before starting, it is important to highlight that the educational proposal in our country is currently based on a competency model, which are transversal at all educational levels and formal training programs, trying to respond to the needs of our current society. This model aims to "train technicians, technologists and professionals whose main reason must be to put at the service of capital interests their knowledge, attitudes and values" (Arboleda, 2016, page 108). At the end of this review we present a reflection on the learning processes and the viability of a comprehensive and edifying education.

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Arboleda, J. C. (2016). Del aprendizaje pasivo al aprendizaje comprensivo. En Textos académicos (págs. 1-226). Cali: REDIPE.

Arboleda, J. C. (2016). Formación para la vida: de las competencias a la comprensión edificadora. En Pedagogía y construcción de ámbitos de educación. La función de educar (págs. 1-441). Cali: REDIPE.