Learning styles and children's metacognitive skills

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Azucena Pilar Aymara Caiza
Gabriela de los Ángeles Uvillus Romero
Lorena Aracely Cañizares Vasconez
María Fernanda Constante Barragán


Learning Styles, Metacognitive Skills, Multiple Intelligences


The attention in the styles and rhythms of learning, starting from this premise the objective of the project is to establish the existing relationship between the learning styles and the metacognitive abilities of children of the children of initial level, will allow to generate metacognitive strategies that help to generate a learning significant. To develop the theme, all the information regarding learning styles, metacognition, early education, learning, child psychology was documented, where the main exponents are: (Egido, 1999), (Ministry of Education, 2014), (Kolb, 1996) , (Flavell, 1976) and (Gardner, 1984). What allowed to determine that metacognition is a fascinating field; analyze it will depend on the teacher to motivate and guide the child so that he can understand and identify with the teaching-learning processes.

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