Employers feel that industrial engineers have a low English profiency in workplace

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Germán Sosa Fernández
Benjamín Gutiérrez Gutiérrez
Antonio Macías López


Polytechnic University of Tlaxcala, Higher Education, Engineering, Job offer, Employers


The development and performance of the industrial engineers is in function not only of how well they can be prepared, as a result of their passing through a higher education institution, the functionality and effectiveness of the IES is evident at the moment that the professionals put in practical their knowledge obtained and how affective or ineffective their performance, it is reported through the opinion of employers who are responsible for establishing the requirements that a particular job needs. Therefore, the opinion of employers have become an important subject for IES, so, according to what found in this study, it was found that academically industrial engineers have a low English profiency as a second language, the research carried out so far has served a indicators for IES, regarding the performance and functioning not only of these institutions, but also to the engineers in the companies, from the academic point of view is of vital importance, form that the graduates of industrial engineering have an optimal performance at the moment of achieving a job in the industrial environment, of course, depend of the characteristics and quantity of available jobs, it is important to point out that a factor that currently helps to achieve an early insertion is through English profiency as a second language, it is a resource highly valued by employers of important companies that depend of degree of commitment of the engineers, they can aspire to this type of companies and achieve success at professional level.

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