Approach to the use of rubrics for the evaluation of argumentative texts in the University

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Alicia de la Peña Portero
Juan Antonio Núñez Cortés


rubric, coevaluation, academic writing, higher education


One of the most demanded types of text in higher education is argumentation, present in different discursive genres such as the academic essay. Therefore, becoming familiarized with the features and structures of argumentative texts and the different kinds of arguments is essential to perform in the different disciplines. On the other hand, research shows that collaborative writing, peer review and the use of rubrics improve the quality of written productions in different educational levels.

The objective of this paper is to present the impact of a rubric for the evaluation of argumentative texts in higher education. We will report on the process of elaboration of the rubric (creation, validation and pilot experiment) and its dimensions (content, argumentation and persuasion, coherence and cohesion, and use of the linguistic norm), as well as the results about the students’ perception of its use. Results show the students’ positive response and the tool’s potential. We find it convenient to elaborate rubrics for the different types of text and discursive academic genres in higher education.

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