Identity of the Bonaventurian child educator phase II: "from the worker of education to the professional of the educational field"

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Ana María Aragón Holguín


early childhood, identity, educational role, professional child education


The project called Identity of the Bonaventurian Infant Educator Phase II: from the worker of education to the professional of the educational field, gives continuity to the approaches indicated in a previous investigation, whose aim revolved around the investigation on the Social and Professional Identity of the Infant Educator Bonaventuriano within the framework of the Bachelor of Education for Early Childhood of the Faculty of Education in Cali.
Given the closeness of the academic program to the scenarios in which the students perform their pedagogical practices (CDI, kindergartens, schools, children's homes, schools, foundations), this research made it possible to listen to the social representations about the bonaventurian child educator (work with children and teachers), as well as the recognition of the identity traits that the profession has (interview with students of last semester and novice graduates), in contrast to the formative proposal of the Degree. The result of this journey was able to locate their findings from two categories of analysis, conceptions of childhood and the role of the teacher, the latter being the investigative pretext that founds phase II of the present project.

The current tendency advances on the recognition of the importance of the teaching profession in Initial Education, slowly abandoning imaginary about care, protection and upbringing installed from a natural feminine disposition for it towards the professionalism of the educational attention, which implies to found a self / echo / position of the teaching subject and implicitly grant a social value that impacts on the function performed within the educational field (role).

For this, this phase II of the project poses as a problem of knowledge the issue of the suitability of the educator in the tension that emerges from his work from buro / instrumental logics (Tedesco and Tenti Fanfani, 2002), towards the configuration of communities of thought about a childhood in human condition (James & Prout, 1997, Cannella, 2001, Diaz-Soto & Swadener, 2005). This problematization supposes the establishment of the existent relation between the task of Educating in the Early Childhood and the specialized professional training of those who are in charge of precisely the educational task in this stage.

Although it is clear that this may be determined by their childhood understandings (findings of the first phase of the Project), entering into this tension, involves crossing ideological terrains beyond the conceptions of childhood, early childhood and public policy first childhood, towards the reconfiguration of its educational role in the key of the strategy of training trainers.

Hence, the question of which training trends go through training, its biases, teaching models, types of practices, can determine not only the conditions of possibility in which the training process is carried out, but also the very distinction of its role between care and education.

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