Theoretical contours of inclusive education

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Aldo Ocampo González


antidisciplina, methodological deficit, heuristic device, event, disposition of disciplines, specific historical disposition


The field of Inclusive Education is a field fundamentally disputed by a multiplicity of disciplines, theories, objects, methods, territories, subjects, influences, modes of analysis, concepts, knowledge, ethical commitments and political projects. Build a non-disciplinary space. He travels permanently and non-linearly, for each of them, in each new landing he extracts the most relevant and significant of each epistemological resource, with the purpose of producing a new object and knowing. Forge a space of disposition of disciplines and a specific historical disposition of truth (way of knowing). It becomes an analytical category of intermediation. Inclusive Education as a critical practice, alters the whole research and educational vision, rethinks the nature of the learning experience, its means of organization, transcends the old debate between research and teaching. The work is organized around the analysis of its knowledge structure in terms of a theory without discipline, turned into a toolbox, it is proposed to repair them, put them in order, understand what new ideas can be added, and then, which of them they favor a reading situated on their intellectual conjuncture. Conceived in this way, it becomes a plurilocalized critical map, composed of intense influences. Its theoretical construction is conceived as a system of permanent imports and exports of various kinds of epistemic-methodological resources. Subsequently, the role of the event is analyzed. The work concludes by reflecting on the performative possibilities of Inclusive Education, conceived as a system of alteration of the existing and creation of other worlds. Inclusion is an eminently relational and structural concept, as such, it becomes a research strategy and a critical practice to articulate a more complex understanding of the world and its chronic socio-political pathologies, among them, oppression, social injustice and inequality in its plurality of areas. Inclusion as a category of analysis becomes a strategy to develop deeper interpretative forms about the multiplicity of faces of power, recognizing that each one of them are endemic and articulators of social experience.

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