Management activity and management functions in educational institutions

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Sorangel Acosta Machín
Rosalina García Chirino
Edilberto Peña Rivera


management activity, management functions, creativity, leadership


The destinies of humanity depend more and more, of what happens in the field of ideas, innovation and discovery In much of the contemporary world, a Silent and endless battle, whose outcome can cause more changes significant, than those generated by the great historical events of this century in the economic, political and social.

In Cuba in the educational sector actions are gestated from the direction in the search for the quality of education and the achievement of a prosperous socialism and sustainable.

The battle for the development of management activity in institutions educational and leadership leadership demonstrations are two elements keys that contribute to the successful fulfillment of management functions and logically to institutional development.

The authors propose some ideas that invite reflection for the development of management activity and management functions in institutions educational

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