Humanoid robot controlled by imu and optic sensors in the context of new technologies in education

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Oscar Guaypatin Pico
Brayan Ismael Borja Benítez
Manuel William Villa Quishpe
Ángel Polivio Roldán Daquilema
Grace Thalía Tapia Villegas


IMU Sensor, Optical Sensor, humanoid robot (biped), accelerometer, gyroscope


The research presents the development and realization of the humanoid biped robot controlled by Arduino Uno, which forms an area of ​​research for the context of new technologies in education that has been growing rapidly in recent years. The design presented has the ability to move and walk like a human repetitively, consists of 16 servo motors model (SG90) which consists of 16 degrees of freedom of which 8 servo motors correspond to each of the legs, 2 servo motors correspond to the hip and another 6 servo motors are in each of the arms, to give the movements a programmed pattern has been implemented in the Arduino one, also performed in the design of the robot, the ability to mimic the movements of the human being, using the IMU (Inertial Module Unit) and optical sensors making a serial communication in each one of the articulations of the humanoid biped robot, which are apt to be handled in our education environment. For having characteristics similar to those of human beings, the main objective we want with this design is to improve learning and motivate students to make the prototypes of bipedal robots more suitable for the environment for their abilities in terms of locomotion, in this case people can adapt more easily to the interaction with the robot, because they are more similar to the human being.

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