The ICT as tools to know the context of young people in high school.

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María Icela Gil Clemente
Eilen Oviedo González


ITC, digital tools, teaching in context, school dropout


The present investigation was carried out with the students of the Technological and Industrial Technological Baccalaureate Center (CBTIS) No. 237 located in Colonia Mariano Matamoros, in the city of Tijuana B.C. It aims to demonstrate that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are tools that can support School Centers, but in particular teachers to know the family, social, economic and cultural context in which they live and interact. students to favor the approach with them during the teaching-learning process and not as a factor of exclusion.
Regarding the type of research, a mixed methodology was used, data collection instruments designed with digital tools, as well as the computer, the cell phone, through social networks and email, as techniques for data collection, a digital questionnaire to a total of 87 questions, observation and in some cases interviews with students.
The results obtained were used to know the context in which the students develop, to make the necessary adjustments to the already designed didactic planning, to detect the cases with risk of dropping out of school, the channeling and timely follow-up with the corresponding authorities.

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