Production conditions of inclusive education

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Aldo Ocampo González


production conditions, epistemological diaspora, heterotopicality, open theoretical structure, post-disciplinary


This work explores the production conditions of Inclusive Education. It is necessary to point out that, their understanding of their phenomenon overflows the inherited dominant epistemological structures -and their categories-, rather, constitutes a field of epistemic divergence, emphasizing in the set of conditions that create and guarantee their knowledge. The paper analyzes the analytical-methodological difficulties linked to the composition of its theoretical structure, which has become the consolidation of a terrain fundamentally disputed by a multiplicity of academic disciplines, discourses, political conceptions and most prominent critical currents of our time. The epistemology of Inclusive Education directs its activity towards the creation of concepts, methodological tools and knowledge that allow us to critically read the present. An epistemological base of a post-disciplinary nature, allows to counteract the exclusion of methods resulting from the separation of disciplines. All this allows us to recognize that the object of Inclusive Education has changed, not so its methods of approach, approach and research.

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