The affective filter role in learning english as a foreign language through project based method in high school students from a school in Colombia.

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Diana Katherine González
Ángela María Córdoba Gonzáles
Angie Stefania Giraldo Fúquene


Project-based learning (PBL), Affective Filter, Anxiety, Self-Confidence, Motivation, EFL


The following paper reports the results of a qualitative study with an action research design (Nunan 1992) sought to analyze the incidence of Project Based Learning (PBL) in the affective filter reduction presented in high school students from a Colombian institution.  The initial Affective Filter questionnaire detected high levels of anxiety along with low motivation and self confidence levels.  After these results, a set of implementations based on Colombian culture projects were carried out. The sessions were studied by analyzing field diaries, observation rubrics and a focus group in comparison to the final questionnaire results.  The final questionnaire results showed anxiety reduction from high to medium levels, and medium to high self-confidence and motivation levels.  The students reported PBL has a positive incidence in their oral production, particularly in socio affective variables such as risk taking and engagement. Subsequently, the field diaries evidenced controlled output to increase fluency in English.

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