Journal Vol 8 No 9. Didactic strategies, inclusion and expanded education

Main Article Content

Gladis Zamudio Tobar


Didactic strategies, inclusion, expanded education


The Redipe Bulletin this time develops three topics of relevant importance in the tasks of teaching and educating, and in general in the educational activity. In the topics of values ​​and inclusion, research, review and reflection articles are presented, such as school failure and vulnerable families, a qualitative study based on an ethical and anthropological vision of education. That of inclusive education by Aldo Ocampo, which expresses the need to save the passive of inclusive education, which lacks a clear and timely theory. Likewise, the article on attitudes of university students towards inclusive education, highlighting the formative debt in this area. As much as in the article on Pedagogy of death, which represents another radical issue, ignored in educational and curricular policy. On this same horizon is the work that encourages the formation of the journalistic profession in the light of an ethic applied to communication and Cultural management.

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