Outline of an integrative evaluation of the main factors that affect learning

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Karina Trejo Sánchez


learning, evaluation, factors that affect learning


The purpose of this text is to propose a proposal of integrative evaluation of the main factors that affect learning, because it is considered that if learning involves the student as a whole, the evaluation of such learning could also be done in a way Global and integrated of the main factors involved in it. The study is divided into three sections. In the first, a notion of learning is addressed; in the second, the main factors that influence learning are described and in the latter, an outline is presented to integrate said evaluation. The method followed for the development of the study is the analysis, since they were examined as an object of study: learning and the factors involved in it in order to reveal the meaning of the former and the dimensions of the latter, in order to raise through it, an outline of an evaluation in this regard.

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