Analysis of psychosocial variables associated with mental health in high school students in the city of Loja

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Livia Isabel Andrade Quizhpe
Geovanny Eduardo
Nairoby Jaqueline Pineda Cabrera
Carmen Delia Sánchez León
Julio Cesar Alvarado Chamba
Jhon Remigio Espinosa Iñiguez
Dolores Lucia Quinde


Adolescence, mental health, substance use, psychosocial variables


Mental health and problematic substance use are considered a social problem and its study a priority, the latest advances in Psychology focus on the need to identify risk or protective variables in mental health and substance use. The objective of the research was to analyze the distribution of psychosocial variables as predictors and indicators of mental health and alcohol consumption in secondary school adolescents in the city of Loja-Ecuador.

The research has a descriptive scope that allowed us to explain and analyze the psychological and social conditions that directly influence mental health and at the same time reveal what happens to adolescents who are in situations of risk of problematic substance use. A sample of 118 first and third year baccalaureate students, aged between 14 and 20, was selected for convenience by casual-accidental sampling (non-probabilistic study) belonging to three educational institutions.

For this study, a battery consisting of nine tests was used: Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-14), Avoidance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-7), Type A Behavior Scale, Loneliness Scale Revised (UCLA), Brief Resilence Scale (BRS), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), Patient Health Questionnaire of Depression and Anxiety (PHQ-4), Satisfaction Life Question (LSQ) and a sociodemographic questionnaire.

The results indicate that 91% of adolescents have a stress that fluctuates between moderate and low, and only 9% report having high stress. A significant relationship was found between the type of educational institution and perceived stress, this being greater in institutions of the fiscomisional type. Regarding schooling, those with higher levels of stress are 8.6% freshmen in first year, while 0.7% of third-year students have lower levels of stress.

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