The non-euclidian theories and the philosophy of science as an academic proposal to understand the functioning of the universe

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Walter Spencer Viveros Viveros


Euclid, non-Euclidean theory, Philosophy of science, Scientific Knowledge, Molecular geometry, Spatial thinking


Senior (2001) proposes in his article to relate the emergence of non-Euclidean theories and their impact on twentieth century philosophy of science.


It is undeniable the scientific revolution that takes place, through the contrast of the fifth postulate of Euclid; this was carried out by several scientists from Saccheri to Riemann. Which allowed science to progress, on the other hand, there is another great scientific revolution when Einstein based on non-Euclidean theories, expresses his Theory of relativity and; also check that space and time are relative and are not absolute as stipulated by Newton.


Finally, it is made transversal to the scientific theories or paradigms such as: Cell Theory, the structure of the DNA molecule, the explanation of the chemical bond and the geometric structure of the molecules in three dimensions, these conjectures have been generated in order to understand the world and, they propose a revision to the way of orienting the natural sciences in general and chemistry in particular.

On the other hand, erroneous situations of teaching-learning and evaluation are related in specific cases such as molecular geometry, at the level of the geometric representation of the structuring components of living beings such as the cell, tissues, organs and systems.


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