The management of human capital in the detection of labor competences of teachers, for their selection and hiring in a private university of the cdmx from a humanist perspective

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Griselda Cedillo Alcántara


University management, teacher selection, job skills, staff Administration, human capital, University teaching


In private universities, it is not common for the detection of labor competences to be systematically carried out as part of the process of teacher selection through the area of ​​human capital, as a prerequisite for entering university; the competences are important in the teacher but, if they are not detected, it is not restrictive to give continuity in their hiring process and more emphasis is given on the information of their academic-work performance, which is considered sufficient to approve their ability to meet the expectations in teaching. The purpose of this paper is to present the analysis around the results of an exploratory and descriptive study, with field design, with a low population. The population under study was made up of 145 new teaching academics. The interview was chosen as a technique and the question guide was applied as an instrument for the collection of information, the gathering of information corresponds to the period August-January 2018. The main findings reveal that labor competencies such as: customer orientation, knowledge Disciplinary and procedural (technical), as well as teamwork were presented with more frequency and significant results, while the competences that were detected at a minimum level within the scale used, were: institutional values, order and service . Higher education institutions are recommended that within the management of human capital, in particular in their selection and hiring process, they can identify and detect those job skills that the teacher has, with the aim of reviewing the relevance of the teaching profile for promote academic excellence and be prepared for the demands demanded by modern societies.

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