Infantile sexual and emotional behaviors

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Yolanda Paola Defaz Gallardo
Lorena Aracely Cañizares Vásconez
María Fernanda Constante Barragán


Emotional development, early childhood, child sexual behaviors, Child development


Starting from the practice as Infant Educators, a fundamental problem that has a great impact on Education was addressed, and it is the sexual and emotional behavior of children in early childhood, since it is considered that the issue remains a problem for society and for the family. This is evidenced by the high rates of cases of sexual abuse of children under 6 years in the educational institutions of the country, a figure that increases despite the efforts made by the authorities since the creation and implementation of public policies on the issue of rights of children and adolescents. Sex education in early childhood must be of quality and this will be achieved from a solid foundation that parents should grant, then in the relationship between teacher students, so the objective of this research was to inquire about knowledge and questions that revolve around the sexual and emotional behavior of children, starting from the literature review, through the collection of data determining the sexual and emotional behaviors of infants, as a product of family attitudes and In front of it, when investigating the relationship between sex education, school and family, the quantitative and qualitative approach was used, of descriptive exploratory methodology, the sample corresponds to child development centers, the multidimensional nature of the subject stresses the importance of reviewing it from socio-historical contexts, concluding that the styles of parenting, the types of attachment will be those that mark the lives of children and future adults, if we want a healthy society we must start by educating families in the style of safe parenting, through good family planning and Life projects. It is also concluded that infants get most of their sexual education from other children and from the media such as television programs, songs, movies and video games. Therefore, it is recommended to strengthen the professional profile of educators and train parents through courses, seminars, conferences, among others.

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