The YouTube Website as a strategy for self-learning of the English language

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Rodrigo Ruay Garcés
Elvis Campos Palacios


Free time, virtual learning, educational autonomy, autonomous learning, English language skills


The authors present a state of progress of an applied pedagogical research project where the YouTube social network is used as an autonomous learning tool for the development of English language skills. This is intended to verify whether the methodical and self-regulated exposure to a YouTube channel has a favorable impact on the development of English language skills in middle school and university students of the English Pedagogy Program, of a regional public University of Chile

The methodology used for this research was the study of multiple cases, using a website released such as YouTube, following academic channels directed by English-speaking teachers. These contain language lessons, which include aspects of the language, such as: grammar, phonetics, vocabulary, formal and informal expressions. Among the main findings that can be highlighted are: motivation, interest, assessment of English language learning and the use of free time to develop autonomous learning. This is evidenced in the elaboration of didactic files, strategy with which they registered and systematized the information contained in each class of the selected channel, as a self-learning tool.

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