A study about the causes that stops academic achievement in higher education: the case of the ba in english language at UNACAR

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Gina del Pilar Pacheco Balam
Salvador Bautista Maldonado
Rosa Adriana May Meléndez


graduation rates, dropping out, academic achievement, laggard behind


In this paper it is presented an overview of the causes that are affecting the right development of academic achievement of students attending a BA in English Language at a public university namely Universidad Autónoma del Carmen (UNACAR). Following the national policies and previous research of the topic there were analyzed four factors that might be considered as the causes of failing a course. By means of a questionnaire it was administered to 62 students, divided into four groups depending on the semester they were attending at the moment of the research, all the students who participated in this research were attending the BA in English Language. The four variables tested in this research were the factors related to the academic achievement, familiar factor, social factor and motivational factor. Results do show that the motivational factor and the academic factor are the high factors that promotes the failing a course, backwardness, dropping-out a course and finally a low academic achievement.

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