Trans-identities in multilingual students: telling stories, languaje centers at the UV

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Herlinda Flores Badillo
Martha Veneroso Contreras
Pedro Meléndez Leyva
Rosa Sofía Hernández Demeneghi


Multilingualism, bilingual higher education, Giddens and the theory of structuring, culture and language


University teachers downplay cultural stories in the classroom, and although knowing the identity of their students generate little interest in an academic from non-social areas, in the language classroom the importance of identity should be a very important factor. The objective of this study was to find cases of multilingual university students who attend English classes in the Language Centers of our region, whose mother tongue is a language of the Original Peoples. The reason for the study was to listen to their different narratives to learn about their linguistic and identity experiences when passing through different cultural contexts. For the analysis of this study, Anthony Giddens’s theories were considered where the individual is perceived as an acting being and able to dialogue with the different situations and institutions in which they need to cohabit. To obtain results, two instruments were prepared primarily: a survey from Google Forms, to know how many multilingual students were studying at the Language Center and how many of them could have been contacted, and a semi-structured interview based on questions of the kind proposed by Martens (2010). The interviews were transcribed and evaluated by means of codifications, an analysis of comparative narratives was performed according to Hernández Sampieri, Fernández Collado and Baptista Lucio (2014). The results obtained in the narratives demonstrate the linguistic and cultural maturity of the participants within the institutions they have had to pass through.

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