Language in the process teaching- learning of basic elementary level math knowledge in Educational Institution Consuelo Araujo Noguera in Valledupar

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Diana de la Cruz Ramírez
Eima Nayuni Mora Duran
Teovaldo García Romero
Wilcar Damián Cifuentes Álvarez


Teaching-learning, mathematical language, ambiguities, mathematical knowledge, social context


In this article, Language was analyzed in the Teaching-Learning Process of  Mathematical Knowledge of Primary Basic Education, in the Consuelo Araujo Noguera Educational Institution of the Municipality of Valledupar; of which, problematizes the ambiguities between the discourse used by the mediator and the understanding and interpretation that the learning makes were problematized, from the worldview of the elements of the social context, the formal language and those of the own language of mathematical knowledge. The foregoing would imply research on what are the elements of language that are part of mathematical knowledge, in order to propose methodological strategies that affect a didactic transposition, between the formality of the language used in the classroom and mathematical language in the context of the educational scenario. For this analysis, a non-experimental field research design will be analyzed; in which, a 27-item Likert instrument was applied.

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